ChristLife from last Lent is continuing with a new name this Lent: Christ in Your Home. This small group, faith-sharing program will consist of one Holy Hour followed by 6 in-home meetings. The content for these meetings will be the first 6 episodes of Season 1 of the TV series on the life of Christ, The Chosen.
Our six in-home meetings are taking place the weeks of February 9 & 23, March 9, 23, 30, and April 6. To watch The Chosen episodes for free, please see the link below. Study questions for each meeting are also available - please see below.
We have emailed everyone their group assignments. If you didn't see an email OR your assigned group ends up not being a good fit, please email Aida at [email protected].
What is The Chosen about?You can watch all episodes of Season 1 on the official The Chosen website:
You can also view all episodes in The Chosen app—available for Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, iOS, and Android. Just search "The Chosen" wherever you download apps or channels for your streaming player or device.
Study Questions for Episodes 1-6 (for group meetings):