The parish has a weekly collection to assist partner organizations in helping vulnerable people access essential social services. The charities are announced in our bulletin and a basket is located at the entrance of the church for donations.
St. Camillus Food Pantry
The pantry's mission is to increase food security of all who are in need. The pantry is staffed by volunteers (including some from St. Elizabeth) and they served 20,000 clients (4,800 families) in 2023. You can donate via Faith Direct. If you have a Faith Direct account, log in and add St. Camillus as a 'One Time Gift' or add as part of a monthly, recurring donation. If you do not have an account, you can create one by visiting, or text 'Enroll' to (301) 888-6290. Alternatively, you can mail your donation to: 1600 St. Camillus Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20903. Learn more: St. Camillus.
Langley Park
The focus of St. Elizabeth's outreach to the Catholic Community of Langley Park has been on supporting the St. Camillus Food Pantry, working with Our Lady of Mercy parish in annual collections of school supplies and winter clothing, and providing Advent tree gift cards to help meet priority needs. Food and gift cards collected at St. Elizabeth for the Annual Archdiocesan/Catholic Charities Lenten Food Collection are also donated to St. Camillus Food Pantry. Parishioners also occasionally donate gently used household items and children's books for the Center.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
This longstanding, annual collection of gift cards and traditional holiday food provides a complete meal for over 100 needy people in the local area. Sponsored by Community Reach of Montgomery County.
Advent Giving Tree
Every Advent, we support local families in need by donating gift cards via our virtual Advent Giving Tree.